The Mt. Sinai Church is committed to building fully devoted followers of Christ through discipleship. Our small groups and classes enable us to grow larger and smaller at the same time, as we increase our knowledge of God and grow in relationship with one another.
For 2019, our children and youth groups meet on Sundays during the 10 am worship hour for a dedicated time of Bible enrichment, class interaction, and opportunities to serve. Our adult groups meet on Sundays during Community Time. It is a unique opportunity to connect, grow, and build authentic relationships.
We also offer Faith Bible Institute classes in the evening, Noonday Bible Study on Wednesdays, and various Saturday seminars during the year. For information on our current class schedule and registration process, contact our Church Office office@dts.mtsinai.church
“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” 2 Peter 3:18